The lifeline Process

1) The Lifeline Process

This is completed prior to the Lifeline Discovery Meeting.

It will help you calarify your thoughts, plans and objectives for the coming years.

2) The Lifeline Discovery

Meeting to discuss your goals, needs and concerns along with how we can help you.

The Lifeline Discovery
Financial application form

3) Identify Priorities, Recommendations and Implement Strategies

This process will identify your objectives, cover the alternatives available to you, in order for you to meet your goals and remove any worries or concerns.

It will recommend specific solutions and provide selected implementation strategies.

4) The Planning Stage

An exceptional meeting to discuss, review and amend your Lifeline Wealth Creation Plan prior to implementation.

The Planning Stage
The Instruction and Action Process

5) The Instruction and Action Process

A series of meetings to implement recommendations within the Lifetime Wealth Creation Plan.

These can be with or without a Planning Stage meeting.

Get in touch

If you are interested in our services or want further information, please email us using the form below:

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